Trotsky (TV series)
shortly about
It was a great and very challanging opportunity for us to create this stylish revolutionary imagery for Russian(with further world wide broadcasting) TV seriers about Great Russian Revolution 1917 which influinced the whole world. 
The world premier of Trotsky series took place in Cannes, TASS reports. The screening was held in the legendary Festival Place. Guests and participants of the global market for entertainment MIPCOM. The series were introduced by the General Director of the Russian First Television Channel Konstantin Ernst, producer Alexander Zekalo, leading actors Konstantin Khabensky and Olga Sutulova.

Presentation of the series devoted to the Russian Revolution was one of the MIPCOM key events.
Leon Trotsky (main charater) was a Marxist revolutionary, theorist, and Soviet politician. He joined the Bolsheviks ("majority") just before the 1917 October Revolution, immediately becoming a leader within the Communist Party.
Sreda Company Logo
We've done several series starting directly with revealing production company (Sreda) logo. Here are some of them. Enjoy!
Opening sequence
We created several completely different looks of the opening sequence for the client to pick. The idea with steam train was the one wich took place in final cut.
this option is final and opens all 10 series
Guns option for titles
3D model of Monarch Symbol 
Examples of titles appearance
Each person over whole this film has his own associated unique graphical ID.
We've also done more than 50 all kind of artistic effects like transitions, visions and mind tricks!
Cut of the best shots we`ve done on this show!

VFX Creative producer 
Venikov Dmitry

VFX Supervisors
   Listratov Konstantin
Sharafutdinov Ruslan

VFX Producer
Salnikova Evgenia

VFX Coordinator
Lisitsina Lusya

Concepts and design
  Venikov Dmitry
Yaroshik Evgenia

Matte painting
Fimin Akim
Rusalova Elena

Ivanov Pavel
Zazulin Andrey

FX / Lighting
Konorev Sergey
Borisko Egor
Popov Maxim
Listratov Konstantin

Denisov Valera
Polbitsyn Dmitry
Alexandrov Dmitry
Sharafutdinov Ruslan
Sicin Andrey
Moiseev Roman
Tsybulkin Denis
Dobuzhinsky Philip

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